Thoughts on educational practice and technology integration

category EdTech Research

Review of Video Projects

This week, my cohort presented video projects plus summaries of various chapters in realm of educational technology. After viewing and reading the various projects, I found the following topics to be the most interesting (minus my own): Using information Technology… Continue Reading →

TPACK vs SAMR when using Hyperdocs

Compared to other teachers, I find myself to be very lucky with the current way I am set up at work. I am situated in a brand new learning-studio (a portable, but built in modern fashion and in-house) which is… Continue Reading →


With an election coming up, I’ve been hearing the term “double-down” in media and conversation more often than usual as of late. I’ve always found it to be a helpful explanation of context when referring to arguments/discussions/controversies as it is… Continue Reading →

The Weakest Link

I watched the gameshow, “The Weakest Link” a couple of times. I didn’t really think it was a good game or an entertaining show, but I sure did love to hate the host. She was just so…mean. Why did she… Continue Reading →

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