This week, my cohort presented video projects plus summaries of various chapters in realm of educational technology. After viewing and reading the various projects, I found the following topics to be the most interesting (minus my own): Using information Technology… Continue Reading →
Compared to other teachers, I find myself to be very lucky with the current way I am set up at work. I am situated in a brand new learning-studio (a portable, but built in modern fashion and in-house) which is… Continue Reading →
With an election coming up, I’ve been hearing the term “double-down” in media and conversation more often than usual as of late. I’ve always found it to be a helpful explanation of context when referring to arguments/discussions/controversies as it is… Continue Reading →
I watched the gameshow, “The Weakest Link” a couple of times. I didn’t really think it was a good game or an entertaining show, but I sure did love to hate the host. She was just so…mean. Why did she… Continue Reading →
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