Thoughts on educational practice and technology integration

category Research Methods

Where am I now? 1b Blog Post

I would argue that this final blog post has particular requirements that I will not be able to meet. Specifically, this post should communicate my thinking in a clear, succinct, focused, and organized fashion. However, I was permitted to name… Continue Reading →

Thought Troubles

I was planning on writing my weekly post on the film “Kitchen Stories’, a wonderful film demonstrating the both the humanizing and de-humanizing effects of research. However, as I began to write that post, my critical voice was quite insistent… Continue Reading →

Back in MY day…

Sorry. The title is ignorant. But, it sure sums up my feelings after a recent read. Also, I’ll mention that my blog is not limited to one single purpose. Sometimes, it is just a diary; I did not consider my… Continue Reading →

“Teach me how to Teach, please” is not a spontaneous thought

After reading Idle No More: Radical Indigeneity in Teacher Education by Shauneen Pete, I have mixed thoughts. I am a white, privileged, middle-class male and I am trying to remain mindful of the fact that my reaction to her writing… Continue Reading →

An Examination of Action Research (Assignment 2)

An Examination of Action Research Part 1: Background In this post, I am examining the second chapter in a book titled Action Research in Education, written by Mary McAteer. The chapter is titled Getting to Grips with Perspectives. McAteer is… Continue Reading →

Questions about literature reviews

Perhaps I am naive, but I am looking forward to writing a literature review. My current area of interest is examining the domains of intelligence learners develop when making. Specifically, the process of electronic three dimensional design and construction woven… Continue Reading →

Mixed emotions about methods

Over the course of my sociology degree, I figured…I knew that if I continued in the field, I would be a qualitative researcher. The idea that I might have to use quantitative methods seemed ridiculous. I was not in sociology for… Continue Reading →

Women Scholars’ Experiences with Harassment

After completing my post/response to a previous article, I read Women scholars’ experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame, a research article which surveyed both Canadian and American scholars in various fields. I mention my previous… Continue Reading →

The Bigger They Are…

I just finished reading the research study titled Public comment sentiment on educational videos: Understanding the effects of presenter gender, video format, threading, and moderation on YouTube TED talk comments. After I read the title, but before I read the… Continue Reading →

Understanding Elusive Quantitative Data

My first degree was a B.A. in Sociology with a focus on Social Justice. As a social science, the department required students to conduct their own research projects and take several courses on research methods. I found the concept of… Continue Reading →

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