I would argue that this final blog post has particular requirements that I will not be able to meet. Specifically, this post should communicate my thinking in a clear, succinct, focused, and organized fashion. However, I was permitted to name… Continue Reading →
The three dimensional printer which I have been steward of this past six months has been steering my thoughts when I “academically procrastinate”. That is to say, when the act of working on research methods or my professional learning network… Continue Reading →
In the spring of 2012, I was in my first practicum. I was well liked by the staff, and would mingle with the other teachers. As the veteran teachers do, one such teacher (I will refer to him as Bob)… Continue Reading →
I am skeptical about the prospect of maintaining a new Personal/Professional Learning Network (PLN). While I understand and have experienced the long list of benefits, as well as the benefits of similar networks, I cannot help but think my PLN… Continue Reading →
As on of my colleagues put it, I was a ‘grump’ in class today. I was not acting unprofessional or pouting, but gleefully open about how much I loathe Twitter’s status as the platform for professional networking + discussion in… Continue Reading →
After reading the research article Twitter Use and its Effects on Student Perception of Instructor Credibility, I found myself pondering why technology allows us members of society to observe different social practices and expectations depending on the medium of social interaction…. Continue Reading →
I never know where to start with blogs. However, that shortcoming is pretty apt for the articles I will be addressing today. When someone outside of the education field asks me: “What kind of teacher are you? The new-age love-dovey… Continue Reading →
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