Thoughts on educational practice and technology integration

Author chowlett

I’m the Mechanic

When most of us buy a vehicle, or pay to maintain a vehicle, an insidious feeling wells up in our core. It is the feeling of collaboration paired with distrust. We simultaneously want to learn, discuss, and agree on the… Continue Reading →

Rationale: What is de-plagiarism?

Upon the curation of resources related to plagiarism, cheating, and original composition, I found an article by Stuart Wrigley that introduced the idea of “de-plagiarism”. At first, I believed de-plagiarism to be just another way of expressing how to not… Continue Reading →

Rationale: Tools for Academic Integrity and Plagiarism in a Hybrid Model [Revised]

In British Columbia, the Ministry of Education directed school district to employ a hybrid model of education during the month of June 2020, widely seen as a trial for how education could continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators found themselves… Continue Reading →

Does Reacting to Plagiarism and Cheating Teach Academic Integrity?

In 1965, computer engineer Gordon Moore made a prediction that the number of transistors on a silicon chip would double every year (Moore’s Law | Computer Science | Britannica, n.d.). In basic terms, he predicted that each year, engineers would… Continue Reading →

Questioning Curriculum…while writing curriculum

I am feeling rather silly right now. Therefore, I wrote a woe is me blog/rant. I’m enjoying both my courses (532 & 565) in this summer term, but I am finding them to be in conflict at the outset. I… Continue Reading →

Who Unframes the Unframer? (532 Assignment 1: Egan and Blade)

I work at Central Middle School in downtown Victoria where I teach grade eight, full-time, and I have generally had a focus on English, Math, and Science. I draw all my curricular direction from the current B.C. curriculum. Academically, I’m… Continue Reading →

To me curriculum is…

This took me longer than I thought it would (and should). Last week, I got stuck as I started thinking about metaphors and found all the ideas I had were shabby hoop-jump place holders. I think the main thing is… Continue Reading →

Vlog 7 – You just can’t trust middle schoolers

Oops! Said George instead of Alec! Social Media In K-12 Schools

Vlog 6 – ‘Big Data’

  Works Referenced: Ethical challenges of edtech, big data and personalized learning: twenty-first century student sorting and tracking

Vlog 5 – Maker Spaces

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